Meltdowns aren’t as easy as pi

Meltdowns aren’t as easy as pi

Only when he’s out of sight and safely in his room do I allow myself to cry. I don’t know if the tears are: relief at surviving the worst of it, heartache at knowing something’s gone wrong and I’ve missed it or more palpable than that the ache I push to the back of my mind where I wish his life was more like his brother and sisters. The life I imagined for him when he was nestled in my tummy the life where he fitted in and enjoyed a carefree childhood like other kids his age, a life where Autism doesn’t silently cloud every experience.

Dear Overwhelmed Mum, You Are Not Alone.

Dear Overwhelmed Mum, You Are Not Alone.

And whilst I may frequently feel overwhelmed at what the world chooses to throw my way. Whilst I may feel anything but calm when they choose to bicker with each other. Whilst I doubt myself daily and question whether I’m enough to hold all these jigsaw pieces together and be everything my family needs me to be.